Sunday, November 11, 2018


Hello everyone, my name is Pearse Koch and I am excited to introduce to you my blog! I am a junior at cypress bay and I have always been interested in film-making. Ever since I was a young kid, movies have always been an interest of mine over anything else. Over the course of the next few months, I will be documenting my journey through the process of procreating my AICE Media Studies portfolio. I was given the task to choose between making a film opening or a magazine, but after careful consideration, the film opening is my final choice. With the help from my partner Raul Passarini, we plan to take on this task with full force. Although we are confident on what type of project we are going to take on, it is still a mystery the story we want to tell. Noting our budget and resources, it is important we maximize our potential, but how is the true question. My feelings about this project are mixed, as I have never created my own film, but I feel as if we work hard enough, we can create something that we are both proud of.  

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Here is my Creative Critical Reflection!!