Sunday, March 1, 2020

We messed up

Issues with our plot
After careful consideration, we have decided to make a pretty large change to the plot. Originally, we wanted to have the plot surface around a montage created by the main character. However, thinking of the logistics, we really couldn't think of a way to execute that in a way that will turn out decent. It will hard to create the raw storyline we imagine with our limitations in casting and overall time. We want to make as clear a story as possible and believed the combining of two parallel plots would be really hard to do. We met up today to create a screenplay for our initial plot but were stumped on a way to really make a story like that work. We realized that it is important to have a sense of humility knowing our many limits in production.

Thankfully, we came up with a plan to tweak our original story while still capturing the life of a senior and their last days before college.
Instead of having the main character create a video montage, the main story will be surrounding a female lead who is just about to leave for college with her bags packed in her room and college merch on. She walks over to a box she has kept with all of the disposable pictures she has taken over the year with her friends. As she looks through the pictures, they come to life detailing the goofy and fun-loving lives of her and her friends. We hope to make the piece light-hearted, with a bunch of funny moments intertwined in the piece. Flashbacks of their beach days, high school parties, hangouts, will all be appearing in the piece. To finish the piece, the main character will close their box of photos after looking at their most recent photo of them and their friends at a bonfire. Wiping tears away, the main character closes a chapter of their life. 

Next Steps
I am extremely excited to begin working on the screenplay tomorrow in class as we had scrap our past idea and go back to the drawing board. In the meantime, Raul will begin scouting cast members and locations. 

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