Friday, April 3, 2020

New Plot!!

So after that whole mishap Wednesday where I realized I don't even have family footage, I've spent the past few days constantly thinking about a new plot idea that is going to be able to be completely filmed at my house, with the limited cast of my own family. This is definitely going to be a tough one but as long as I really focus on the details and put in the work I'm sure it can be done. Luckily I'm not going to be alone, because my friend Irina is going to be helping me with the filming and maybe even make an appearance in the film. With regards to my partner Raul, we have been communicating back and forth and have determined that he won't be able to help me with filming and editing this project. However, we have agreed for him to take the reign of the two smaller components of the project.

Now for the actual plot, it is a little bit out there but here we go:

So the movie is set in the year 2040, a year after a radical form of government rapidly gained control in the United States with a totalitarian focus on community and dismantling any sense of individuality. Normal Americans are forced to give up their sense of self and quickly adapt to the government's radical new rules in order to stay safe and avoid government eye.

The movie follows a middle-class South Florida family as they get an inspection notice from the government. Being only a year since these insane government rules have been put in place, talk of inspection has mostly just been a rumor. The inspection notice gives the family 24 hours to adequately remove all markers of individuality from their house or else they will face the full consequences of the national government. Over the course of 24 hours, life becomes a living hell for this family as they go through a soul-crushing journey to erase any trace of themselves. Photographs, art, and everything in between has to be trashed. Will they make it through the inspection?

Though this plot idea does seem to be a tad intense, I do want to add some lighthearted aspects to it knowing my cast will be entirely made of amateurs. I'm pretty proud of this idea because I know it is something new and hasn't been done before. With a little bit of editing magic, I feel like this story can really come to life.

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